Our Goal
Our goal is to communicate a message of hope that we have in Jesus Christ. This hope is not found in religion or anything that we can see, but only in a personal relationship with Yeshua. To intentionally impact and transform individual lives, families, and communities by equipping believers for the work of the Ministry of Reconciliation.

Our Mission Statement
To preach, teach, and display the Gospel message under the influence and leading of the Holy Spirit that hungry and thirsty souls can be restored and reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. Never lifting up man or traditions but always ushering others in the Presence of God, where real change and transformation takes pace. A true ministry of reconciliation.
Our Story
Pastor Marcus and Angie West-Brown responded to the call of the Lord to plant a church in Oakland and co-labor in the region since 2004.
They are passionate about living intentionally for God. Pastor Marcus and Angie are both gifted and compelling communicators of the Gospel. Their focus is on teaching the Gospel to transform a generation, building a house of prayer, and evangelizing to plant and water as God changes our communities with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Our Heartbeat
The Values that Shape Us
We Magnify Jesus!
We are a House of Prayer
We prioritise Church Outside the Walls - People
We focus on Discipleship